City Castles Greeting cards, every picture tells a story...because our greeting cards are the illustrations for the Catherine's Castle story, printed on this web site.

 The Introvert's Book Club products are also inspired by the original Introvert's Book Club- whose meetings are recorded on this web site. Most Introvert's Book Club products are useful for all book clubs- no matter what book club model they follow. If you are uncomfortable with entering your credit card information over the internet please feel free to use our Order Form Page.

Certain orders may take two weeks for delivery.
SHIPPING/HANDLING: {6 Cards - $1.75} {10 Cards - $2} {15 Cards - $3}  {18 Cards - $3.50}  {20 Cards  $3.75}

Book Club Notebook-A creation of The Introvert’s Book Club Item-#9067


Do you feel shy or unprepared during your book club meetings? Gain confidence! Discover the Book Club Notebook, and prepare for your discussions by answering the quick and easy questions. The Book Club Notebook helps you change and grow, first by expressing your thoughts and feelings about each book.

Do you have unfulfilled hopes and dreams? The optional “Enriching the Season” section helps you to reach your goals, by making small changes during the book club season. The “Enriching the Seasons” Life changes/Life choices section is totally personal and optional, and is not for use as part of the book club discussion, unless accepted by a unanimous decision of your club.

What’s the difference between the Book Club Notebook and other book club discussion guidelines? The Book Club Notebook is simple to follow, and with the discussion page works for fiction or non-fiction; it is an amazing way for any book club to guide the group discussions. The Book Club Notebook has space for book club members to prepare discussions for seven books. 

Item #9067 "Book Club Notebook" - A creation of The Introvert’s Book Club  $9.95 plus $3.50 S/H

"Introvert's Book Club" Starter Package Item-#9068

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Start small! Everything that you need to start your own "Introvert’s Book Club." This packet contains:

  • One "Shamrocks and Roses" notepad

  • Introvert’s Book Club guidelines

  • 2 "Roses" greeting cards: send these to invite your friends to join your club


City Castles recommends that you start small and grow. Introvert’s Book Clubs can grow as large as their members would like, but a small beginning will give you a stronger foundation.

Book Clubs: send us information about your club to put in our Castle Herald newsletter!

Item #9068 Introvert’s Book Club- "Start A Book Club Packet" $6.95 plus $2.50 S/H

Guidelines for the "Introvert's Book Club" Item - #cc9067


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Order the guidelines used by the original "Introvert's Book Club™", which was formed in February of 1999.  These book club guidelines can be used when you and your friends organize your new Book Club.  The picture and border are printed in black and white.  The guidelines are inexpensive so that you can afford one for each member of your club.  Or perhaps the guidelines could be a gift of encouragement to a quiet friend.  The guidelines will help introverts discover their own finest qualities and learn to value their own worth.

Item #cc 9067-A Book Club Guideline -  $.89 plus $.45 S/H

Item #cc 9067-B  Pack of 5 Guidelines - $3.95 Plus $1.25 S/H

Item #cc 9067-C  Pack 10 Guidelines -
$6.95 Plus $1.50 S/H   

Introvert Book Club Book Marks - Item #cc9065


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Printed in color, on glossy paper, "Introvert's Book Club™", bookmarks feature the Book Club's emblem (the three sisters reading).  These pretty bookmarks compliment the notepads and guidelines.  An easy way to give your Book Club a sense of identity.

Item #cc9065-A    Pack 5 Bookmarks - $3.00 + $1.00 S/H Item #cc9065-B    Pack 10 Bookmarks - $5.00 + $1.50 S/H Item #cc9065-C Pack 20 Bookmarks -$12.00 + $2.00 S/H

Shamrock and Roses Notepads - Item #cc9066

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In color, 5x8 notepads with the City Castles®, LLC Border.  This Celtic border is symbolic:  The vine stands for immortality, the rose for love and for joy, the Shamrock is for courage and good luck.  The Celtic knot stands for eternity.  We hope that the City Castles®, LLC Border will remind you and your friends of those important intangibles.  These Note Pads have a small picture of the "Introvert's Book Club™" emblem placed in the bottom right portion of the note pad, and so they will work well for notes for your book club meetings.

Item #cc 9066-A    5 Note Pads - $19.95 plus $5.15 S/H

Item #cc 9066-B    10 Note Pads - $38.95 plus $7.20 S/H


Customer Support 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM MST.  
Open M-F  Closed Weekends and Holidays.  
Telephone: 303-755 6021

 From time to time City Castles sends out card samples, please click on human click and leave your e-mail and home address. In the future, we will send you a small sample of our products



Products and prices in the City Castle Store will change without notice.  Sometimes products may be unavailable.  Any written material, or any products shown for sale on this site that bear Linda Pilkington's copy right - are listed by special permission from her to City Castles®, LLC, - this permission is conditional, and no rights or licenses to the material under her copyright are granted or implied.

In the future look for additional "City Castle LLC" products.  Also watch for "Iowa Girl' cards and "Country Castle" - Products based on the poem, "The Country Castle."

Readers - THANK YOU FOR VISITING US!  Come back and see us again soon, and please pass our website address on to your friends. (pass it on!)

ARTISTS:  Please do not send City Castles®, LLC your ideas or Artwork.  City Castles®, LLC has chosen artists and can not accept any additional artwork.  We wish you well in your creative endeavors.

Customers, all products (even paper ones) must be handled with care!  Please remember what your mother taught you - and tell your children:  "Keep things out of your mouth!" and "If is has a sharp edge it might cut!".  We trust you to use your own good sense in handling all materials.  Please dispose of wrapping materials in a prompt, and safe manner; Please consider the environment when you do so.

Copyright © 1999-2000   All rights reserved.
Revised: August 06, 2011